
Agni UI is an open source and easy to use CSS component library. It helps developers with all experience levels to quickly build components by just adding classes. Now complete your dream project rapidly and focus more on logic than styling.


In order to use Agni UI in your projects , simply copy the one-line code below and paste it in the < head> section of your html


Avatars are images that users can set as their profile picture. They can be custom photos, uploaded by users, or generated as Identicons as a placeholder.

Default Avatar

The default avatar is round in shape and to create avatar you can simply add the avatar class. There are three different sizes available and you can choose between avatar-lg | avatar-md | avatar-sm

avatar avatar avatar

Square Avatar

The square avatar is square in shape and to create avatar you can simply add the square-avatar class. There are three different sizes available and you can choose between avatar-lg | avatar-md | avatar-sm

avatar avatar avatar


Badges are small circle to display status, some count etc depending on where they are used. They are usually positined on the top right or bottom right of the parent component.

Profile Badge

Profile badge is used to display the current status of the user. It has 3 variants online | offline | dont-disturb We need to give class of badge to parent element and variant class on the child element.


Number Badge

Number badge is used to show the number of new items present in the parent element. We need to give class of badge to parent element and variant class on the child element.



Alerts are short messages that are shown to the user while performing some task. It is used to primarily grab the users attention and convey a message without interrupting the flow of current task.

Simple Alert

Simple alerts can be created using alert class,followed by the variant name. Variant can be primary | error | success | warning

Primary! This is a Primary Alert
Error! This is an Error Alert
Success! This is a Success Alert
Warning! This is a Warning Alert

Outline Alert

Outline alert has no background color with a border and text color signifying the alert.

Primary! This is a Primary Alert
Error! This is an Error Alert
Success! This is a Success Alert
Warning! This is a Warning Alert


Buttons are an important element of the webpage design and it is the primary way for a user to interact, make choices and take action with the app or website.

Primary Button

Primary buttons allows the app or website to accomplish their most common or most important goal. They have high emphasis and are distinguished by the use of elevation and fill. To generate primary button use class of btn followed by the variant name. Variant can be default | primary | seconday | error | success

Outline Button

Outline buttons are simple buttons with no fill and simple border. To generate Outline button use class of btn followed by the variant name. Variant can be outline | outline-primary | outline-error | outline-success

Icon Button

Icon buttons contains vectors or graphics which can be clicked to perform certain predefined action. To generate Icon button use class of icon-btn

Link Button

Link buttons are simply button with embedded links. Unlike primary button which performs a predefined action, link buttons would take user to new page / screen. To generate Link button use class of link-btn

Floating Action Button

A floating action button (FAB) performs the primary, or most common, action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content, typically as a circular shape with an icon in its center. For FAB, use a class of fab


Cards contain content and actions about a single subject. Cards make it very easy to scan all the actionable and relevant information about the subject. Elements, like text and images, should be placed on them in a way that clearly indicates hierarchy.

Cards with Badges

Cards with Badges contain an important and quick information about the subject in the badge. The badge might be static or dynamic with some action depending on the use case. Use class of card-badge along with card-tag on the badge component.



Nike Airforce

Rs.4900 Rs.9999

Cards with Dismiss

Cards with dismiss would simply remove the card component from the page or screen. Give an id of dismiss on the main outer card component and add onclick="dismissCard()" on the dismiss button.

Clicking on close button will dimiss this card.Refresh page to bring it back.



Nike Airforce

Rs.4900 Rs.9999

Cards with Text Overlay

Cards with text overlay allows us to place an important text on the image mostly to make a statement. Use class of card-with-text along with text-overlay on the text to display on the image or card component.


Text only cards

Text only cards contains no image and comprises mostly of text with some other elements like buttons. Use class of text-only text card.

This is heading

This is subheading

This some Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit, numquam nulla temporibus alias ipsum natus quod unde necessitatibus voluptatibus.

Horizontal Cards

Horizontal cards are rectengular in shape and elements in the card align in rows. use class of card-horizontal for Horizontal cards.



Nike Airforce

Rs.4900 Rs.9999

Cards with shadow

Cards with shadow produces shadow at the bottom and right side of the box. use class of card-shadow for producing shadow on the cards.



Nike Airforce

Rs.4900 Rs.9999


Image components are used to display images on the websites.It can be of various styles but most prominent ones are squares & circle with responsiveness as an important property.

Square Image

Square Images are the square shaped, with a default dimension of 150px X 150px. Use class of square-img to give square shape on an image.

sneakers alt-image alt-image

Round Image

Round Images are the circular, with a default dimensions of 150px X 150px. Use class of round-img to give round shape on an image.

sneakers alt-image alt-image

Responsive Image

Responsive images will automatically adjust to fit the size of the screen. Use class of responsive-img to make image responsive.
Note : Resize the browser window, to see the responsive property.



Inputs are necessary for user interaction with the website. Inputs are used to take information from the user, and then save the data to the server, accordingly.

Form Input

Form input has several input fields to take an input from the user and pass on that data to the server. Use class of form on all the form elements

Form Input Error

Form input error can be customized to show error or error-message, and change color accordingly. Use class of input-err to show error msg and change the color


* Wrong Password. Try again.

Radio Input

Radio button allows the user to select only option amongst a list of items. Use class of radio on the class containing radio elements.

Checkbox Input

Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set. Checkboxes can be used to turn an option on or off. Use class of checkbox on the class containing checkbox elements.

Text Utilities

Text utility classes can be used on any element for text modification/alignment, element placement, or to adjust padding and margin etc.


There are inbuilt semantic HTML elements from h1 to h6 or you can use heading classes where semantic elements cant be used. Use any class from h1 to h6 depending on the requirement

This is Heading 1

This is Heading 2

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5

This is Heading 6

Small Text

You can use class of text-sm for displaying small text. Similarly there are classes like text-md & text-lg for medium and large text respectively.

This is small text

This is medium text

This is large text

Gray Text

Use class of text-gray to make the text colory gray anywhere.

This is medium size gray text

Center Text

Use a class of text-center to align any text in the center.

This is medium size center text


The CSS Grid Layout Module offers a grid-based layout system, with rows and columns, making it easier to design web pages without having to use floats and positioning.

Grid - Two Column

The most used grid layout is of two equal columns grid layout. You can use grid-2-col class to create two column grid layout.
Also, to give gap between columns use class of col-gap.

This is column 1
This is column 2

Grid - Three Column

Another useful grid layout is three equal column layout. You can use grid-3-col class to create three column layout in grid. Also, to give gap between columns use class of col-gap.

This is column 1
This is column 2
This is column 3


Snackbars inform users of a process that an app/website has performed or will perform. They appear temporarily, towards the bottom of the screen. They shouldn’t interrupt the user experience, and they generally don’t require user input to disappear.

Simple snackbar consits of elements stacked in a single row with action buttons generally on the right.
Use class of snackbar on the main class with elements inside it.

Can't send photo. Retry in 5 seconds. RETRY X


Lists are continious vertical indexes of text or images. It can be in various combination of texts and images. The left side navigation bar on this page is a perfect example of a list that is displaying the list of items on this page.

Simple List

Simple list is a vertical index of items. The items can be text,images or hyperlinks in various combinations.
Use class of simple-list on the main class and class of list-items for the items in the list.

A Simple List

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
  • List Item 4

Notification List

Notification list is useful to most recent changes of various types to a user depending on different use cases like Messaging app, social media apps etc.
Use class of notification-list on the main class and class of list-items for the items in the list. list-items can have images and texts or combination as per the requirement.

My Notifications

  • John Jacob

    Lets discuss our project

  • Paul Ryan

    Lets discuss our project

  • Mit Romney

    Lets discuss our project

  • Paul

    Lets discuss our holiday


Modal displays content which blocks the main view of the UI and it would be closed only if user cancels or interacts with the modal. It is to be used as much less as possible as it breaks the flow of the user.

Use class of simple-list on the main class and class of list-items for the items in the list.


Rating component allows a user to interact with an UI to give rating for the product or service used.Input is easy and user just needs to tap instead of manually typing the rating number. It is mostly found on ecommerce websites and other places for feedback from customers.

Use class of star-rating on the main class and class of star for each individual stars. The remaining class is for fetching the icons.

Please give rating

star star star star star


Sliders are used to give a particular input usually within a range to UI without the need to enter any text.

Use class of slider-container on the main class and class of simple-slider for the slider with minimum and maximum values.

A simple slider